The Colorado Newborn Hearing Screening Program is sponsored by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment. AMC is a participating provider in El Paso County and offers Hearing screenings for free.
One out of every 500 babies born in Colorado has significant hearing loss at birth. In an effort to be sure we identify every baby with hearing loss, Midwives in Colorado are required to either screen babies for hearing loss or to provide information to parents on where to obtain an infant hearing screen.
Types of Screening
1. Auditory Brainstem Response Testing (ABR). This tesest the infants ability to hear soft sounds through minature earphones. Sensors measure your baby's brainwaves to determine if sounds are heard normally.
2. Otoacoustic Emissions (OAE). Otoacoustic emissions are measured directly with a miniature microphone and sent to aspecial computer to determine your baby's hearing status.
Both test are very safe and take only minutes to evaluate each ear.
One out of every 500 babies born in Colorado has significant hearing loss at birth. In an effort to be sure we identify every baby with hearing loss, Midwives in Colorado are required to either screen babies for hearing loss or to provide information to parents on where to obtain an infant hearing screen.
Types of Screening
1. Auditory Brainstem Response Testing (ABR). This tesest the infants ability to hear soft sounds through minature earphones. Sensors measure your baby's brainwaves to determine if sounds are heard normally.
2. Otoacoustic Emissions (OAE). Otoacoustic emissions are measured directly with a miniature microphone and sent to aspecial computer to determine your baby's hearing status.
Both test are very safe and take only minutes to evaluate each ear.
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